Category boxes section

Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit. Cras a dui imperdiet, tempus metus quis, pharetra turpis.

Home page category boxes are added in _data/home_categories.yml, e.g.:

# Categories are separated into sections
- title: Getting Started
  category: setup

    - permalink: /setup/basics/
      title: Basic Setup
      desc: Get started fast with installation and theme setup instructions
      icon: cog

    - permalink: /setup/content/
      title: Managing Content
      desc: Get help or tailor the theme to your specific requirements
      icon: file-text
- title: Customization
  category: customization

    - permalink: /customization/development/
      title: Development
      desc: Interactively engage professional total linkage whereas enterprise catalysts
      icon: code

    - permalink: /customization/help/
      title: Sources & Help
      desc: Interactively engage professional total linkage whereas enterprise catalysts
      icon: question

The permalinks have to match the permalink set in categories/ files.

All available icons can be found here.

Add boxes section to a page using the following include:

{% include categories.html 

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Getting Started